Our Story

Co-founder, Darcy Schack, suffers from an autoimmune disease known as sarcoidosis. Sarcoidosis is an inflammatory disease that affects multiple organs in the body, but mostly the lungs and lymph glands.

Darcy takes immunosuppressants and had a desire to develop products which enhance his and others', health and immunity.  Darcy has a background in physics and engineering and extensive food industry experience. 




Zestt co-founder, Anna Campbell (PhD, plant biotechnology) has extensive scientific and commercial experience.  She is passionate about the value of plants for human health and wants to do all she can to develop efficacious products which counter the negative affects of the pro-inflammatory lifestyles most of us are living.

Anna spent 15 years with AbacusBio, six of those as Managing Director, where she led an international team working in over 20 countries, on food and agricultural programmes. She also holds directorships in New Zealand and international (UK and US) science businesses.



Zestt's independent Chairperson is Dr Helen Darling.

Helen has a PhD in public health and a background in innovation and food integrity.  She co-founded Oritain in 2007, where she now holds the position of Director of Regulatory Affairs.  She also co-founded InstatData, which develops tools for social listening.  Helen has held Directorships with a number of organisations including  the New Zealand Crown Research Institute, Environmental Science Research (ESR) and Export NZ. 

Helen brings to Zestt a wealth of international experience in developing high value export systems and is a past expert on the United States Pharmacopeia committee (Food Integrity).  

Zestt are joined by business partners, Danny Chan and Lisa Shi.

Danny is a third generation New Zealand Chinese, brought up in Wellington where he received a BCA with honours from Victoria University.

After success overseas in funds management, he developed his own businesses in New Zealand and founded the Academic Colleges Group Limited - the largest private school group in New Zealand.

Danny holds multiple directorships in New Zealand, including both private and public companies.

Lisa is experienced in international trade, with extensive knowledge and expertise on China market regulations and access.  She immigrated from China to New Zealand 21 years ago and received a Master of Art degree from the University of Auckland.

Lisa has a part time position at the University of Auckland. She is also a director of an export business and a partner in biotechnology and medical devices investments. 


The Science of Lung Health

Free Downloadable Booklet on The Science of Lung Health and what you can do it Improve your Lung Health